A01 carries permanently the spirit of a new beginning
Feature about Maria Planegger in print magazine Trend
Design feeds about house Freundorf
Full view ahead
Feature in print magazine H.O.M.E.
A dream in white as ‘schmitzer-ish’ extravagance?
Feature in print magazine Wohnen
Residence Kirchtag
Cover in print magazine Die Presse
Living space and nature melted together
Interview with Andreas Schmitzer about Residence Freundorf
A roof top animated by chromatic fluid dynamics
Feature in print magazine AD Italia
Far out homes - Integrated modern architecture and garden design
Coverstory in print magazine Homes & Living
The ‘Herzblut’ of A01architects
Book published by architecture in progress
Garden Zone
Feature in print magazine 100 österreichische Häuser
The garden as extended part of the living room
in in the Book Atlas of European Architecture
Living in the clouds of the future
Feature in H.O.M.E. Magazine
Arrive and relax
Coverstory in print magazine CUBE
How to plan interior?
Interview in print magazine falstaff
Playground – inside and outside
Feature in 100 österreichische Häuser
Green terraces high up in the sky
Feature in magazine 100 green spaces
Good-natured idealists
Interview with Maria Planegger and Andreas Schmitzer in print magazine H.O.M.E.
One of the world’s best young architects in 2007
according to Wallpaper Magazine
Acerca de la villa
Plataforma arquitectura cared to produce a detailed feature in spanish.
Production hall and office for unmanned helicopter system
print magazine AIT
Made to measure suits
Feature in series Austrian architects in Discover Germany, Switzerland and Austria
Design in continuous dialogue with the outside
Feature in print magazine Attitude
100% office in 2002
Feature in print media 100% Office
Counter No.2
Feature in print magazine 100% office
Fête blanche
An illusion of extending the surrounding landscape
Feature in the Book Factory Design
Growth in a vacuum
Coverstory in FORUM
Finalist at AZ Awards
Sicht- und Seespiele
A touch of California
Cover story A&W
Modernistically from 25m² to 40m²
in print magazine AD
in one go
Cover story in Houses of this world
Like a white swan in its own pond
Feature in print magazine Object International
Facility Schiebel
in e-architect
Like from another star
Feature in magazine Raum und Wohnen
An ship metaphor at the Wörthersee
Feature in Baunetz